Firm Leadership
Brock Ridgway

Brock Ridgway
PE - Interim Director of Engineering
Alma Mater
Rose Hulman Institute of Technology
Terre Haute
Biggest Achievement/Accomplishment
Personally, it would have to be a 35-year marriage, though that has been fairly easy. Professionally, it would be having founded and then operated Eagle Ridge Civil Engineering successfully for 18 years. Athletically, I suppose it is completing 5 Ironmans.
Main Lessons You’ve Learned in Life
Life moves at a pace that isn’t always yours, and sometimes it’s best just to wait and let it catch up.
The Dumbest Way You’ve Ever Been Injured
Tore a quadricep muscle walking down the grassy slope in my front yard to the mailbox.
First Job
I was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army the afternoon after graduating at Rose Hulman.
8720 Castle Creek Pkwy E Dr, Suite 400, Indianapolis, IN 46250
New Haven
10848 Rose Ave, Suite 4
New Haven, IN 46774